Five Benefits of Arranging an Affordable Prepaid Cremation

Five benefits of arranging an affordable prepaid cremation
Arranging an affordable prepaid cremation is easier than it sounds. It can help relieve many of the stresses and burdens associated with a loss—and bring you some peace of mind as well.
How does prepaid cremation work?
The benefit of a “pre-need” or “prepaid” cremation service is that it allows you to plan for a future passing by purchasing a cremation service ahead of time, as opposed to “at-need,” which means the cremation request takes place immediately after the passing. Oftentimes at-need can leave some grieving family members stressed or struggling to find adequate financial resources to pay off the sudden expense. Pre-need or prepaid plans lift this financial and emotional burden by allowing you to choose a plan that can spread payments out over a period of 24 months. Here’s how it works:
- First, it’s up to you to call or contact a cremation provider online to choose a prepaid cremation plan and settle on a payment package. Your provider should be upfront about exactly what your options are and what your plan entails. It is always a good idea to review their General Price List to ensure you know exactly what you’ll be paying for, and how much it will cost in total.
- Once initial arrangements have been settled, your provider should send you copies of all pertinent documents for safekeeping. Be sure to talk to at least one trusted friend or family member about your plan and where to find those documents. Take care to keep them updated if anything should change, even if it’s as simple as moving your documents to another room in the house.
- When the time comes, all your family will need to do is call your cremation provider and let them know their service is needed. Your provider will then take care of the rest, using the money you paid ahead of time to cover all agreed-upon costs.
Why should I arrange a prepaid cremation?
There are a number of benefits to arranging an affordable prepaid cremation.
- It eases the financial burden on your family. Especially in the case of a sudden loss, unexpected funeral costs can be a hard financial loss to bear for many families. A prepaid plan gives you the opportunity to cover those costs for them by paying for your own cremation ahead of time.
- It protects against inflation and cost increase. A good prepaid cremation plan will include guaranteed pricing. In other words, the price you sign up for today will be the price you pay when their services are needed—even if inflation or other factors push their prices up between now and then.
- It relieves the burden of responsibility associated with funeral planning. Sifting through numerous cremation providers and evaluating the services they offer can be incredibly challenging during a time of mourning. Planning ahead can make this difficult time a little less so by relieving your loved ones of much of the effort involved in making at-need arrangements, as well as protecting them against providers who may take advantage of their vulnerability.
- It can bring your family a sense of comfort. Especially if you discuss the details together ahead of time, arranging a prepaid cremation can be a great comfort to your family and friends. Instead of choosing options they believe you would approve of and worrying about whether they’ve made the right choices, they’ll be able to breathe a little easier knowing what needs to be done—and that it’s what you would have wanted.
- It can bring you a sense of peace. We all may experience a natural fear of the unknown when thinking about our own passing. A prepaid cremation gives you some control over what will happen next, allowing you to take comfort in the knowledge that your wishes will be clear and easy to fulfill for your loved ones after you’re gone.
Arranging an affordable prepaid cremation
Of course, when arranging a prepaid cremation, it’s important to do your research and be sure the service you choose is not only high-quality, but also affordable. After all, the idea is to reduce stress—not add to it by putting yourself, or your family, in debt. When choosing your cremation provider, keep an eye out for hidden fees and other secret strings that may be attached to the plans they offer. The right provider will not hesitate to provide you with any information you may need to help you make your decision.
Tulip Cremation offers affordable prepaid direct cremation packages at a fraction of the cost of most traditional cremation services. Our simple plan covers all of the features of our direct cremation service, including transportation from anywhere in our service area to our crematorium. Our worldwide package includes the same elements, but with a wider scope—we’ll be able to collect and transport remains from anywhere in the world to our facilities.
Both packages also include shipping the ashes to any postal address within the United States, as well as 24/7 customer support for you and your family. Arranging prepaid cremation with Tulip is as simple as it is cost-effective—call us or contact us online whenever you’re ready to get started.
Tulip Cremation offers a simple at-need direct cremation service as well as two pre-need cremation plans with low, upfront prices and no hidden fees. Our direct cremation service includes transportation, preparation, and a dignified private cremation, as well as returning the ashes via USPS Priority Mail Express. Contact our Family Care Team at (844) 942-4909 for more information or arrange online with just a couple of clicks.
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