Healthy Planet Healthier People

Earth Day and Arbor Day remind us of our obligation to be good stewards of our planet. Tulip offers families the opportunity to plant memorial trees. Trees absorb CO2, helping reduce greenhouse gases and combat global warming. Memorial trees contribute to local economies, providing jobs and promoting sustainable agroforestry practices.
We constantly strive to reduce our carbon footprint and develop greener processes. Every day is Earth Day for each of us — businesses, governments, and citizens — everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable.
Easy Ways to Protect Our Planet
This month’s environmental awareness is a timely reminder that there are many things we, as individuals, can do too.
So in the spirit of these three events, we offer this list of easy first steps for each of us to make a positive impact on our environment.
Save Paper
It’s simple – saving paper saves trees. Whenever possible, read articles and news online. Be selective about what you print, and use both sides of the paper when you do. Trade paper towels for old cloth towels that can be washed and reused.
Rethink Meals
According to, a leading contributor to the climate crisis is our food system. From production to transportation to consumption and waste, our current food system accounts for nearly one-third of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions.
Small changes in your household meals make a big difference. Reducing food waste, adjusting your diet to include more grains, vegetables, fruit, lowering meat consumption, and shopping local (whenever possible) are just a few things we can all do to help.
Pick up trash
Every piece of trash that you pick up while walking, jogging, having a picnic, or enjoying a day at the beach is less pollutants in our waterways. Properly disposing of trash and recycling helps protect animals, too.
Switch Your Bag
Single-use plastic, such as shopping bags and food wraps, take more than 500 years to breakdown. They create mountains of waste in landfills, and spill over into our waterways and wildlife areas. Tuck a reusable tote into your purse, backpack, or pocket for shopping at the grocery store, farmers’ market, or mall.
Grow Your Garden Green
Grow your own veggies, fruits, and herbs in a pesticide-free, organic garden. Not only will you save money, you’ll help protect the health of your family and our planet. Concerned about honey bees? Join citizen scientists around the world as they photograph and track pollinators.
Plant a tree
The Arbor Day Foundation has planted and distributed nearly 500 million trees. Will you make it 5 million plus one? Trees help slow climate change, filter our air and water, foster biodiversity, and strengthen our community.
Find even more simple actions you can take to make a difference, every day of the year.