Cremation Ashes: 8 Unique Ideas to Celebrate Life

Burials are a traditional method of laying the deceased to rest, and are seen as a matter of respect and closure for the individual. Although traditional burials typically lay to rest your loved one in a casket, cremation ashes can be honored and celebrated in a variety of ways. Whether you are looking for a more simple ceremony or something creative, cremation allows you the flexibility in choosing an option that best represents your loved one and their life.
1. Scattering Cremation Ashes
One way to celebrate your loved one’s life is through scattering their ashes. Deciding on where to scatter it is up to you, but the practice can be done on land, sky, or sea. When scattering your loved one’s ashes, always remember to receive permission from your local authorities regarding where, when, and how you are scattering their ashes. Reminder it is necessary to receive written approval from local authorities before moving forth with a scattering ceremony.
Scattering the cremated remains (or “cremains”) into the air is one of the most common ceremonial choices. When doing this, make sure to blow the cremation ashes downwind. Prepare ahead of time, making sure there’s no one standing in the direction of the wind. A recommended formation is to stand perpendicular to the downwind, gently releasing the ash into the flow of air. Some of the finer ashes will be carried away by the wind, while parts of the ashes may fall on to the ground closer to you. For some families, a ceremonial raking of the ashes may proceed after the initial scattering, while others may leave the ashes to be naturally claimed by the earth.
With this in mind, it is important to choose a suitable location. If you are thinking about scattering your loved one’s ashes in the San Francisco Bay Area, this post may be helpful. If you are unsure, think about choosing an area that was meaningful to your loved one. Clear, widespread outdoor locations are also suggested: meadows, beaches, parks. Additionally, some cemeteries are connected to scattering gardens, which provide space for scattering your loved one’s cremains. Please note that you will need to make appropriate arrangements and request permission prior to your scattering ceremony for all locations mentioned.
2. Space Burial
A newer, alternative approach to traditional cremains scattering is sending your loved one’s ashes into space. This beautiful procedure includes launching their ashes, and releasing them miles above ground level. While space burials create a symbolic and unique ceremony compared to a traditional scattering, individual pricing for this service can reach anywhere from from $1,000 to $10,000 plus.
If you do not wish to send your loved one’s ashes into space permanently, another service sends cremation ashes into space on an orbiting spacecraft. After the voyage, the pod containing their ashes are returned to you.
3. Scattering Trenches
Similar to a traditional burial, you can dig a trench to lay your loved one to final rest. Typically these trenches are shallow, and with ashes scattered ceremonially into the trench. Following the scattering ceremony, soil can be placed on top of the trench. There are numerous variations of this ceremony, such as scattering seeds or flowers on top of the soil or marking the trench with other meaningful items. Additionally, you could arrange for beach trenching , allowing the rising tide to pull the ashes into the ocean.
4. Sea Burial
Another method of scattering is a sea burial. This variation sees that your loved one’s ashes are scattered into a body of water. This could happen on the shore, by a dock, or onboard a boat. The ashes are then scattered following the wind and ultimately into the body of water. While some ashes may temporarily float above the water, they will eventually sink and dissolve over time.
An alternative to simply scattering the ashes over the water is to place your loved one’s remains into a water-soluble, biodegradable urn or container to be dropped into the water. This may be a good option for poor weather , or simply an alternative to scattering. Please refer to the national guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) if you decide to conduct a sea burial for your loved one.
5. Columbarium
Cremation ashes can be interred within a columbarium, a building specifically for the interment of ashes. Your loved one’s ashes would be kept in a niche and displayed within the building.
6. Urn Garden
An urn garden is a space that holds cremated remains within urns in an outdoor setting.This space is often located in cemeteries, and is usually decorated to be an outdoor lawn or community garden. Within the space, the urns may be buried below ground, or embedded in the lawn and decorated with a marker.
7. Memorial art
Another method of remembering your loved one is through transforming their ashes into pieces of art. Using modern technology and creative techniques, cremated ashes can be safely used to create gems for jewelry, vinyls, and even fireworks.
8. Keep at home
While there are many different ways to celebrate your loved one’s memory, one of the simplest things to do is keep their cremation ashes at home.
If you intend to display their ashes in memory, a decorative urn could prove a wonderful way to memorialize them. Cremation urns can be simple or complex, but it’s best to choose one that fits your loved one’s personality. If you do not feel comfortable or the need to display ashes, you could always keep them private. Ashes can be stored in a sealed container.
If cremation is the right option for you or your loved one, you can begin making arrangements today. Tulip Cremation provides a quality direct cremation service at a low-cost. We offer two pre-paid plans, for local and international coverage, as well as a plan for imminent need service in the occasion you are planning to need our services within the next 6 months. And of course, our Family Care Team is here to provide our direct cremation service to you at (844) 942-4909 or online.
Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels